martes, 20 de marzo de 2012

Differences between a diesel combustion engine and a regular petrol combustion engine.

 In today's ever-changing economy, choosing a car that not only suits all of your needs, but that also has a reliable mpg (mile per gallon) ratio can be a real pain, especially when there are such great differences in what you can buy.
One of the most important  many dilemmas you will encounter;
Should I get a gasoline engine, or should I go diesel?
 There are many differences between gasoline and diesel engines, and the quickest one we can notice is the price of filling up the fuel tank. Diesel is relatively cheaper to gas. But their differences run way deeper than that.
Here's an explanation of how a diesel engine works. (Please refer to my earlier

1.Intake stroke -- The intake valve opens up, letting in air and moving the piston down. ­
2.Compression stroke -- The piston moves back up and compresses the air.
3.Combustion stroke -- As the piston reaches the top, fuel is injected at just the right moment and ignited,   forcing the piston back down.
 4.Exhaust stroke -- The piston moves back to the top, pushing out the exhaust created from the combustion out of the exhaust valve.

Here's the site in which you can find and animated GIF file showing you more or less how it really works.

 Here's a couple of advantages in having a diesel engine.
-Better mpg. (also, diesel is cheaper)
-Longer engine life. More durable engine. Where you would get 150k miles out of a petrol engine, you can get over 500k on a diesel engine. There's people with diesel trucks that are decades old, that are still committed to driving it until it dies.
-Stronger engines (You see a LOT more trucks with diesel engines.)
-Less harmful for the environment.
-And you get to brag to your friends how your car comes with a rear wheel drive setting.

1 comentario:

  1. Here's a post idea.... What's it like to get a driver's license in UY? Do they ask questions about turn signals and breaking and distance it takes to break? Do they ask you statistics about accidents and deaths? Does UY have motorcyle tests? SV
